Java app server configuration in Cloudjiffy

To perform the necessary configurations, press the Config button next to your application server. In the case you have several application servers you can configure them together or separately. To do this follow the steps:

  • Open the drop-down menu at the top of the configuration tab. It includes the list of all of the app servers in your environment.

Choose the one you need and make the configurations.
To apply the changes:
  • only for the chosen server click the Save only for current instance button from the drop-down menu;
  • for all the servers click Save.

Note: if you create/rename a file or folder in the Configuration Manager, this will be applied only to the list of the chosen node. you can’t save this change for all of the app servers available in the environment. If you want to also create/rename the file or folder in the other servers you need to do this manually.


The main Java servlet container configurations are performed in the files, located in the server folder.

Using the following config files, you can perform the actions listed below (these are just some examples):


    • configure session replication via Memcached

    • configure remote access via WebDav

    • enable Multiple Domains

    • configure memory settings for your java containers by stating your custom GC, -Xmx, -Xms parameters (use standard parameters stating each at the new line):

-Xmx< size >m -Xms< size >m


    • set your custom system properties for your Tomcat, TomEE, Jetty or GlassFish:

-Dvar1=value1 -Dvar2=value2 -Dmy.var3=/my/value


  • configure JavaAgent interceptor

  • enable remote debugging:
    -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address={port_number}

If you need to use any custom files/folders for configuring your application you can download/create them in the home directory which is used as storage in your Java server.

As a result, you can make configurations specifying the path to your downloaded/created files in the variables.conf file (server folder).



The webapps (for Tomcat/TomEE) and work (for Jetty) folders are used for storing the unpacked application deployed to the environment.


The lib folder is used for storing default and uploading custom jar libraries.

App servers include a cron folder with the config file, where cronjobs can be configured.
Detailed information on Cronjob configuration can be found in the Setting Up a Cronjob document. 


The keys directory is used as a location for uploading any private key which is needed for your application. Generate the key, save it as a simple file and upload to the key folder. It can be used for different cases by simply stating the path to your key:








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