How does Pricing works in cloudjiffy

How do I Charged in CloudJiffy?


Resource consumption for each environment is charged to the account owner on an hourly basis. There are 3 types of charges:

  • Primary - fees for the main platform resources (i.e. RAM & CPU), provided within cloudlets
  • Provider-dependent - the ones that can be either payable or not, according to the chosen hosting provider settings
  • Optional extras - charges for usage of some additional platform features

Where Can I see Consumed Resources?

The detailed information on the number of consumed resources can be seen in the different places at my dashboard, for example:

  • pricing widget at the environment wizard’s right pane shows the approximate monthly spends, based on the stated amount of reserved cloudlets

  • the current resources consumption of every environment is displayed in the Usage column of my environments list. It includes the amount of occupied disc space (in MB) and currently used/overall amount of cloudlets

  • the total usage Statistics on all resources types (i.e. RAM, CPU, Storage and Network Bandwidth) can be seen via the appropriate section for the desired node/set of the same-type nodes

  • finally, the Billing History section provides any information on all the payable resources, consumed during the stated period, and their costs.

How much do Resources Cost to me?

With CloudJiffy I only pay for consumed resources. 

The prices can be seen inside my CloudJiffy dashboard. 
Navigate to Balance > Quotas&Pricing menu item. 
I'll see a set of tabs displaying pricing information for each kind of resource available in Cloudjiffy.
Note that the various software stacks are provided free of charge in CloudJiffy. I only pay for the resources consumed but not for the software itself.

How do I Decrease the Consumption?

To decrease my spends I can stop my environment when it is not needed. For example, if it happen to be using my environment as a test or dev one and I don't use it on nights and weekends - I don't have to pay for the resources that I don't use. 

In such a way RAM (Memory), CPU and traffic are not going to be charged
I am going to pay only for disk space that I use (more than 20GB) and for Public IP and SSL if I purchased any. 

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