How do I perform Monitoring and Processing the Users Activity

The Users JCA section provides information on customers, that are registered in the system, and details on the environments they have created. Here I can find the list of all users with the following information:
  • Login (the upgrading mark next to the email indicates that the process of an upgrade to a billing group is not completed for this user yet)
  • User ID
  • Group
  • Balance
  • Bonus
  • Phone number
  • Signup date
  • Reseller
  • Notes

I can search for a particular user either by his email or unique ID - simply enter the required keyword into the Email or UID field and click Search. Also, the list of users can be sorted due to their Group (All, Beta, Billing, Post, Trial or my custom one) or Status (All, Active, Inactive, Suspended, or Destroyed) within the appropriate drop-down lists at the tools panel.

By switching to the Activity history tab at the top, I can see a number of user’s actions with information about User ID and Actions count (regarding the operations mentioned in the Tasks panel of the user's dashboards). Just specify the needed date range (Start and End dates) and click Refresh.

Clicking on a value within the User ID column will show the detailed information on this user.

Select the line with a particular user from the list to get additional information within a separate frame to the right:
  • User Info
  • Environments
  • Audit Log
  • Billing history
  • Quotas
  • Funding history

User Info

The User Info subsection displays the whole information on the user account in an easily perceivable form.

Additionally, I can manage some of the provided information:

  • Email - shows the current account email, which can be changed using the appropriate pencil icon to the right
  • Status, Group - displays user status/group, which can be switched with the appropriate drop-down lists

    Tip: I can Change group for the multiple users at once by selecting several accounts in the general list and clicking the appropriate button at the top.
  • User ID, Balance, Bonus, Reseller, Phone number, Signup date - provides the corresponding info on the user (can not be changed)
  • Notes - allows to make any custom notes about the client, e.g. company name or deactivation reasons (just don’t forget to Save Notes after providing the description)

Also, I can use the Sign In as a user button at the top to automatically log in with the currently selected account to the user dashboard.


Here I can perform different actions with user’s environments.

Also, I can choose any node, listed to the right from the chosen environment, in order to see its Statistics (Memory, Processor, and Network consumption) in the expandable section below.

Audit Log

The Audit Log tab provides a report on the user’s activity - just specify the time range (Start and End dates) that are interested in and click on Refresh.

In the given table I’ll see the list of actions with information on their Date, Action name, User ID (empty if the action was performed by the currently selected user), Duration and Result ("Success" or the corresponding error message).

Billing History

Billing history provides the information about Item (the instance which consumed the resources), Environment this instance belongs to, the amount of consumed Reserved Cloudlets, Dynamic Cloudlets, Paid Storage, Paid Traffic and their Cost summary.

Just enter the Start and End date to see the information for the stated period, sorted due to specified Interval (hour, day, week or month), enable/disable the Group by node flag to correspondingly show info on nodes at the same environment layer as one item or separately. Refresh to update the displayed information due to the stated conditions.


In the Quotas tab, the limitations for the chosen user are presented.

They can be changed by double-clicking on the required line, specifying the new value and selecting Update.

Funding History

The Funding history tab contains the information about all the payments made by the current user with details on their Date, Amount and Operations type. The possible operations types are:
  • FUND - refilling account
  • FUND_BONUS - refilling account with bonuses
  • REFUND - withdrawing money from the account

    That's All!

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