CloudJiffy Release 5.7.4 5.6

In this document, I will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the Cloudjiffy PaaS 5.7.4 release

The New release will be applicable for dashboard after 6 Sept 2019.

Debian 10 OS Distribution Support

In the present 5.7.6 CloudJiffy release, the list of Linux distributions that are supported as a base for Docker images was extended with the latest Debian 10 operating system. Now, the platform can create any custom Docker container based on this OS type.

Supported OS Distributions for Docker Containers

Currently, the following Linux distributions are supported as a base of Docker images that could be deployed at  PaaS and properly handled by the system (this information is subject to change):

Distribution Version VZ Template
Alpine alpine 3 alpine-3.x-x86_64
CentOS centos 6 centos-6-x86_64
centos 7 centos-7-x86_64
Debian debian 8 debian-8.0-x86_64
debian 9 debian-9.0-x86_64
debian 10 debian-10.0-x86_64
Fedora fedora 23 fedora-23-x86_64
fedora 24 fedora-23-x86_64
fedora 25 fedora-23-x86_64
fedora 26 fedora-23-x86_64
fedora 27 fedora-23-x86_64
RHEL 6 centos-6-x86_64
RHEL 7 centos-7-x86_64
Ubuntu ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu-16.04-x86_64
ubuntu 18.04 ubuntu-18.04-x86_64


GlusterFS Storage with Auto-Clustering (5.7.4)

Starting with the current 5.7.4 platform release, the Shared Storage Container was upgraded to the second (2.0) version. It provides built-in Gluster support with the appropriate version (6.3) represented in the stack name - Shared Storage 2.0-6.3.

The GlusterFS RPM packages are provided by default to support clusterization of the Shared Storage nodes but are not enabled on the standalone storage container. The former one can be enabled with the Auto-Clustering switcher in the topology wizard. Consider the following specifics:

  • auto-clustering requires Shared Storage 2.0 (i.e. created after the platform upgrade) and is not available for the preceding versions; however, I can use redeploy to update my old storage to 2.0 and then turn on Auto-Clustering via the wizard
  • Shared Storage auto-clustering requires the latest Virtuozzo 7 virtualization used on the environment region (depends on my hosting provider)
  • for existing environments, auto-clustering can be enabled only in case the storage node is not scaled yet; herewith, the data is replicated to all new containers
  • storage auto-cluster requires 2 or more nodes and cannot be disabled after creation

shared storage auto clustering

During creation, the GlusterFS volume is mounted into the /data folder and is accessible over NFSv4 protocol. Consequently, when mounting from/to my storage cluster, it is managed as a single component (i.e. not a collection of separate storage containers). In case of failure of one or several nodes, the AutoFS client automatically switches to the working instances, which ensures HA for my storage.

mounting shared storage

Additionally, within the dashboard, a dedicated icon and label are provided for my storage auto-cluster.

Dashboard Search Amendment (5.7.4)

The dashboard search for environments is performed via name (domain) and alias, so starting with the Cloudjiffy 5.7.4 release, the search results in the appropriate Environments section are provided with both these values. Compared with the initial implementation of just an alias being displayed, the current one helps to avoid confusion in some cases (e.g. when several environments are provided with the same aliases).

environment alias and domain in search

Built-In SSL Description (5.7.4)

The built-in SSL option allows securing my environment with the enterprise-level data encryption as easily as switching a toggle. If enabled, Cloudjiffy PaaS automatically configures a wildcard SSL certificate on the Shared Load Balancers (SLB).

Herewith, to highlight the incompatibility of such implementation with direct access provided by public IP, the appropriate denotation was added to the description in the topology wizard. It will help to avoid misconfigurations when establishing a secure connection to the application.

built-in ssl description

If working over public IP, consider utilizing the Let's Encrypt SSL (free-of-charge option) to automatically issue certificates for my environment. Alternatively, I can manually provide me custom SSL certificates.

Auto-Clustering Labels (5.7.4)

In the current 5.7.4 Cloudjiffy release, the “new” label for the auto-clustering option in the topology wizard was removed for all of the supported stacks by default. Herewith, for the newly implemented clusterization of the Shared Storage container, a “beta” label was added.

shared storage cluster beta label

Deployment Archives Types (5.7.4)

Archive deployment is a quick and simple option to install my application in Cloudjiffy PaaS. The provided package (either as a local file or via URL) is automatically processed by the platform, making my application available for usage without any manual steps required. A support for the following archive types was added in the Cloudjiffy 5.7.4: gzip (.gz, .tgz, .taz), compress (.Z, .taZ), bzip2 (.bz2, .tz2, .tbz, .tbz2), lzip (.lz), lzma (.lzma, .tlz), lzop (.lzo), xz (.xz), zstd (.zst, .tzst).

Ruby Rake Deploy Adjustment (5.7.4)

Rake is a software task management and builds automation tool for Ruby used by Cloudjiffy PaaS. It automatically performs commands from the rake_deploy file (located in the root folder of the project) after the Apache/NGINX server restart. Starting with the current 5.7.4 platform release, the commands from rake_deploy will be run from under the Cloudjiffy user instead of the root one. Such an adjustment provides better compatibility with projects as it is the default user for all of the Ruby containers.

Custom Color for Extra Layer in Topology Wizard (5.7.5)

custom color for extra layersCloudJiffy PaaS provides a convenient and intuitive color legend for the certified containers based on the node group parameter. It helps to determine the role of each stack visually:
  • Load Balancers ("bl") are green
  • Application Servers ("cp" - compute nodes) are blue
  • Databases and cache nodes ("cache", "sqldb", "nosqldb") are orange
  • VPS, build, and storage nodes ("vds", "build", "storage") are gray

Herewith, all the custom images are added to the extra layers and are gray by default. Starting with the 5.7.5 platform upgrade, it is possible to manually redefine a color for such custom nodes by adding the mission parameter for layer in my JPS. Use the highlighted shortcuts from the list above as a value to set the required color.


Software Stack Versions

Check out the list of the most accurate CloudJiffy software stacks for the current platform version:

Stack CloudJiffy 5.7.6
Apache Balancer 2.4.41
Apache PHP 2.4.41
Apache Python 2.4.41
Apache Ruby 2.4.41
CentOS (VPS) 7.6
Couchbase CE 5.1.1; 6.0.0
Debian (VPS) 9.8
Docker Engine CE 17.12; 18.09.7; 19.03.1
GlassFish; 4.1.2; 5.1.0
Golang 1.12.8
HAProxy 1.9.7; 2.0.5
Jetty 9.4.12
Kubernetes 1.15.0
LiteSpeed Web ADC 2.5.1
LiteSpeed Web Server 5.4.1
MariaDB 5.5.64; 10.4.6
Maven 3.6.1
Memcached 1.5.16
MongoDB 2.6.12; 3.6.13; 4.0.10
MSSQL 2012
MySQL CE 5.7.26; 8.0.16
NGINX Balancer 1.16.1
NGINX PHP 1.16.1
NGINX Ruby 1.16.1
NodeJS 6.17.1; 8.16.0; 9.11.2; 10.16.0; 11.15.0; 12.6.0
Payara; 5.184
Percona; 5.7.26
PostgreSQL 9.6.14; 10.9; 11.4
ProxySQL 1.4.13
Redis 4.0.11; 5.0.5
Shared Storage 2.0-6.5
Spring Boot 2
Tomcat 7.0.96; 8.5.43; 9.0.22
TomEE 7.1.0
Ubuntu (VPS) 16.04; 18.04
Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
WildFly 10.1.0; 11.0.0; 12.0.0; 13.0.0; 14.0.1; 15.0.1; 16.0.0; 17.0.1
Windows (VPS) 2012
Engine #
AdoptOpenJDK 8.0.222; 9.0.4; 10.0.2; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
Amazon Corretto;
Eclipse OpenJ9 0.9.0-; 0.9.0-10.0.2; 0.11.0-8u192-b12; 0.11.0-11.0.1; 0.15.1-8u222-b10; 0.15.1-11.0.4; 0.15.1-12.0.2
GraalVM CE 19.1.1
Liberica JDK 8.0.222; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
Oracle JDK Dev 7.0_79; 8.0_202; 9.0.4; 10.0.2; 11.0.2
Oracle OpenJDK 7.0.231; 8.0.222; 10.0.2; 11.0.4; 12.0.2; 13.ea-b31
Zulu Community 7.0.232; 8.0.222; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
PHP 5 5.3.29; 5.4.45; 5.5.38; 5.6.40
PHP 7 7.0.33; 7.1.31; 7.2.21; 7.3.8
Ruby 2.3.8; 2.4.6; 2.5.5; 2.6.3
Python 2 2.7.16
Python 3 3.4.10; 3.5.7; 3.6.9; 3.7.4
Node.js 6.17.1; 8.16.0; 9.11.2; 10.16.0; 11.15.0; 12.6.0
.NET 4
Go 1.12.8

CloudJiffy 5.7.4
# Description
JE-33163 The pricing model is not attached when switching to the new reseller region while keeping the same domain
JE-36883 Incorrect conditions are configured for the docker cache location monitoring trigger
JE-45191 The MySQL init.d service is started by both init.d and jelinit scripts on Shared Load Balancers
JE-46860 Routes to containers are erased after host restart
JE-47324 Links to the platform logo should be adjusted based on the SSL configuration in system setting during reseller creation
JE-47801 The Phone Number column is hidden in the JCA > Users section if the verification method is not SMS
JE-48043 Empty placeholders in a description of the detachExtIp API method in the JCA > Access Control > Audit Log section
JE-48521 Environments are not charged for the last hour upon deletion
JE-48612 No validation for the Password and Password Confirmation fields in the account activation form
JE-48650 The developers’ dashboard remains accessible after activating maintenance mode via JCA
JE-48849 A graceful period of 10 days should be provided for the platform without access to JLS before license invalidation


CloudJiffy 5.7.5
# Description
JE-48998 Incorrect container name after redeploy
JE-49060 After endpoint removal, the connection remains available for a few minutes
JE-49103 Events filtering by nodeGroupAlias does not work in Cloud Scripting
JE-49131 The settings and globals placeholders don’t work with nodeGroupAlias in Cloud Scripting
JE-49199 Iptables rules are removed incorrectly for endpoints
JE-49251 Stack colors in the left and central parts of the topology wizard do not match
JE-49268 Collaborator should be able to create an environment on another account in the regions of the environment owner
JE-49308 An incorrect home directory is set when the rake_deploy file is executed on the Ruby environments


CloudJiffy 5.7.6
# Description
JE-49055 The process of data mounting between containers is slow
JE-49379 Data cannot be mounted from the custom Docker containers based on the Debian 9 OS templates
JE-49443 If mount point creation for the directory fails, existing mounts for the same folder become inaccessible

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